College recruiting video’s have become an essential part of the recruiting process. Coach’s have thousands of prospects and can’t possibly get to see them all. The purpose of this video is to capture the coach’s attention and make them want to see more. This is your chance to make a first impression, make it great! That being said, this video will not automatically get you a scholarship. Most college coach’s will want to see you live before offering any type of scholarship.
Intro: Start off with a bang! Coach may not get through the whole video so make sure the first 30 seconds highlights your best qualities. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need an intro with all of your athletic info, you can include that on your athletic resume and/or quickly in your email to the coach.
Length: Keep it short, 2-3 minutes. College coaches are going through thousands of these videos and want to get through them quickly. They can usually see after a few reps if they are interested or not.
Content: This section varies based on sport and position. Very important that the coach watching can easily distinguish you from the other players. For example football, soccer, hockey and lacrosse videos are mostly game highlights. Using a spotlight or arrows to highlight the player are key.
Hitters: BP swings, NO FRONT/SOFT TOSS, do not need game footage. Get a 5-10 swings from behind you, showing you and the path of the ball after contact. Try to show that you can hit to all fields. Get another 10-15 swings from the angle of the opposite batters box, showing your side profile throughout the swing.
Infielders: Set up camera angle from home plate. Show yourself fielding 2 ground balls (GB’s) right at you, 2 GB’s to your glove hand side, 2 GB’s to your backhand side, coming in on 2 slow rollers/choppers, 2-5 GB’s turning a double play.
Outfielders: First camera angle close up showing you track and throw 2 Fly Balls (FB’s) right at you, 2 FB’s over your head, 2 FB’s ranging to your glove side, 2 FB’s ranging to your backhand side, and you coming through two GB’s. Final camera angle’s set up behind 3rd base and then home plate. Be able to film you in the distance fielding FB’s as well as track the path of your throw to third then home.
Catchers: Camera right in front of you, show 3-5 clips of you framing. Same camera angle, show 2 clips of you blocking right in front of you, then 2 to your glove hand side, then 2 more to your backhand side. Set camera up behind you and record 2 throws to each base. If indoors with limited space, get a side angle to show footwork and release.
Pitchers: Set camera up behind you to your throwing hand side. Be able to record your delivery and catcher receiving the ball. Record 15-25 pitches. 10-15 fastballs, 5-7 of each of your off-speed pitches. Repeat same process out of the stretch.